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The Rabbit Hole: The Definitive Developer's Podcast

Dec 26, 2017

On todays show we welcome Max Jacobson. We’ll be discussing the differences between Ruby and other current languages and get Max’s perspective on which language is better for certain applications. In the ever changing landscape of coding and building, everyone seems to have their own preferences, favorites and...

Dec 19, 2017

In our industry, change is inevitable and today on the podcast we are going to be talking about how to make organizational change stick. When you try to make changes in an organization, it could be very difficult from the top down and from the bottom up.

Dec 12, 2017

Today on the show we will be talking about the Batman and support rotations. The Batman or Batwoman is a real role and not just a superhero. In the context of software engineering and our day to day lives, the particular role of the Batman is that of a support role and a particular sprint. For example, suppose there...

Dec 5, 2017

Today we will be talking about toasting to failures. We will get into what a toast to failure is and share some stories that pertain to failing and we will, of course, toast to them. We don’t have any drinks or apple juice in the recording session with us, but we will pretend that we have glasses and we will put them...