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The Rabbit Hole: The Definitive Developer's Podcast

Jul 28, 2020

For those of you who have been waiting for the next letter of the SOLID series, we are happy to finally discuss the 'L' in SOLID, which is the Liskov substitution principle, or as we like to call it, the LSP. If you’re like us and the LSP conjures up an image of a long-gone mathematician, think again. It is actually...

Jul 21, 2020

Today, we’re asking the question: What is the best Agile? To help us answer that question, we have invited Diana Larsen to join us for today’s episode. Diana is the co-founder of FutureWorks Consulting in Portland, Oregon, and she partners with leaders around the world to design work systems, improve...

Jul 14, 2020

As developers, we have likely had experiences with remote work before the pandemic, but now, the context of remote working has completely changed. The blurred lines between work and home life have brought an array of stressors that people have to face. Joining us today to talk about how to make this new kind of remote...

Jul 8, 2020

As part two of our series that explores the SOLID software design principles, this episode dives straight into the topic of the open-closed principle — that’s the ‘O’ of SOLID for those who are counting. As a software principle created in 1988, back in the days of C++, the essence of this principle states that...